I began programming on an Apple Mac Plus around 1985 and have loved the capabilities computers afford ever since. Being a math major in college, database design and programming seemed to come naturally and with the explosion of the Internet, opportunities abounded and 25 years later, computers are still going strong as an important part of the infrastructure of the world.
In addition to interests in computer programming, I love studying the Scriptures and also love Praise & Worship, which I lead from time to time around the country. I have been and am an avid piano player, arranger, and singer, producing a CD album yearly. When I first started taking lessons some 60 years ago, I never envisioned the role of the gift or the path it would take me down. Today, I enjoy music as much as I did when I started and have even found a way to incorporate "computers" into it. A match made in heaven!

House of David Fellowship
In addition to computer programming, I am the congregational leader for The House of David Fellowship in Richmond Virginia and I teach about the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith from a Hebraic perspective. This congregation is different in that all the congregants are given homework assignments to prepare for the next service; and they Love It!Those who do not live in a location which allows them to attend can become "Members at Large". This allows them to participate in all the activites through the internet.